Eye Bag Removal Surgery Singapore: Cost and Reviews 2020

If you are looking to find the best plastic surgeon or oculo-plastic surgeon to do your eye bag removal surgery in Singapore, you may wish to check out related reviews before making the decision. Check out the reviews from customers who 'have been there, done that'.

We have gone through some of the eye bag removal surgery Singapore forums and we would expect that you would have probably done the same. It is clear that the information is all over the place and it's difficult to really decide on who is the best surgeon for you after reading all those forums. You will only need to short-list at least 2 for comparison and then choose one to proceed.

eye bag removal singapore

How Much Does Eye Bag Removal Surgery Cost in Singapore?

Scarless Eyebag Removal in Singapore
Package Price: SGD 1945.0 
By Shens Clinic

Lower Eyelid Surgery - SGD 1650

Eye Bags Removal Surgery Singapore Reviews

Eye Bag Removal
I'm considering at BC NG or Woffles Wu. Not sure where is good though. Will it leave a scar? They say i can just do the procedure, about 1/2 hour, then go back rest for 3 days and can go back office after that.

Re: eyebag removal 
By Jenniferblink » Wed, 25 May 2011 9:57 am
hi willsall, i had my eyebag removal one month ago by dr colin and i am very happy with my result. the surgery took one and half hour and ididnt feel much throughout the whole procedure. And i only had minimal bruising and swelling as i used actipatch post surgery which recommended by dr colin.
now without eyebag i look much younger !!!

Laser Eyebag Removal (Transconjunctival Belpharoplasty) - Singapore
i'm a female in my early 30s with genetic eyebags. i decided to go with the scarless technique with a laser cutting the inner eyelid. was told this is the more minimally invasive technique with a downtime of 4-7 days. while i'm generally happy with the post-procedure results, i ended up with double vision, which has finally 95% cleared after a whole month.

Scarless Eye Bag Removal Review

Note: The scarless eye bag procedure involves creating a minor access point through the inner lower eyelid (therefore avoiding any scar).

Eye Bag Removal
I tried like mad for non-surgery. But it didn't work... so i proceed with scarless removal

Best Eye Bag Removal Surgeon in Singapore

Below, we have also compiled a list of plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgery centres in Singapore. Eye bag removal surgery depends very much on the skill, training and experience of the surgeon. As it is a fine surgery, you may need to strike a balance between an older surgeon with many years of experience vs a younger surgeon with less experience; since vision, hearing, motion, and dexterity of a surgeon may inevitably decline with age,

*We have also added their estimate age for your convenience. As it was difficult to find available information on the age of the plastic surgeons, we have made an estimate based on the year that they have completed their medical degree program. Most doctors would have completed their basic medical degree at an estimated age of 25 years old. For example, Dr Erik Ang; graduated from NUS with MBBS (NUS) in 1989. So, current year (2017) minus 1989 = 28 years post-graduation. Therefore, his current age is 25 + 28 = 53 yrs old.

Address: Outram Road, Singapore 169608.
Tel. : +65 63264600 (Appt), 6326 6400

A/Prof Tan Kok-Chai (Estimate Age*: 65 yrs old)
Dr Karen Sng Wei-Ee (Estimate Age*: 47 yrs old)
Dr Ong Yee Siang (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Tan Bien-Keem (Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Dr Wong Chin Ho (Estimate Age*: 42 yrs old)
Adjunct A/Prof Chee-Liam FOO. (Estimate Age*: 67 yrs old)

Div of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Department of Surgery.
National University Hospital

Address: Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119704
Tel. : +65 6772 2022

A/Prof Thiam-Chye, Lim (Estimate Age*: 59 yrs old)
Dr Wei Chen, Ong (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Jane Lim (Estimate Age*: 55 yrs old)
Dr Shu-Jin, Lee (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Ee-Cherk CHEONG. (Estimate Age*: 46 yrs old)

KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Dr Yong Chen POR. (Estimate Age*: 44 yrs old)
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Level 2, Children’s Tower, KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
100, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 229899. Tel. 6294-4050

Dr Vincent KL YEOW. (Estimate Age*: 54 yrs old)
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery.
Level 2, Children's Tower, KK Women's & Children's Hospital
100, Bukit timah Road, Singapore 229899. Tel. : 6394 1511

Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre

Address: 3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510

Dr Erik Sze-Wee ANG. (Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Suite 1208.
Dr Chi-Chin CHAN. (Estimate Age*: 71 yrs old)

Dr Jun Jin CHUA, (Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)

Dr Harry Wing-Sang FOK. (Estimate Age*: 63 yrs old)

Dr Andrew KM KHOO. (Estimate Age*: 55 yrs old)

Dr Choong-Lieng YEAP. (Estimate Age*: 66 yrs old)
#14 13.

Gleneagles Medical Centre

Dr Wong Saw Yeen. (Estimate Age*: 72 yrs old)
Wong's Plastic Surgery Centre, 6 Napier Road,
#07-13, Gleneagles Medical Centre , Singapore 258499

Dr Leslie BK KUEK. (Estimate Age*: 60 yrs old)
Gleneagles Medical Centre #03-04
6 Napier Road. Singapore 258499

Dr Chee-Seng SEAH. (Estimate Age*: 59 yrs old)
Gleneagles Medical Centre
Suite 08 11/12, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499

Dr Marco Faria Correa. (Estimate Age*: 63 yrs old)
Plastic surgery Pte Ltd
Gleneagles Medical Centre. 6 Napier Road, #10-05
Singapore 258499

Aesthetic Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Marcus TC WONG. (Estimate Age*: 46 yrs old)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433

A/Prof Poh-Him FONG. (Estimate Age*: 66 yrs old)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Level 1, 11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 398433

Camden Medical Centre

Adjunct A/Prof Ivor Jiun-LIM. (Estimate Age*: 50 yrs old)
1 Orchard Boulevard #12-01/02
Camden Medical Centre. Singapore 248649

Dr Woffles Wu Tze-Liang (Estimate Age*: 58 yrs old)
Camden Medical Centre
#09-02, One Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 249615

Novena Medical Center

Dr Ying Chien Tan. (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
The Sloane Clinic Plastic Surgery Centre
10 Sinaran Drive. #08-35 Novena Medical Center
Singapore 307506.  

Dr Andrew George TAY. (Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Novena Medical Center
10 Sinaran Drive #11-33, Singapore 307506

Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre

Clinic: Cape Plastic Surgery Pte Ltd
Address: Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre,
#10-31, 38 Irrawaddy road, Singapore 329563

Dr Shenthilkumar Naidu (also popularly known as Dr Shens)
Shens Clinic, 38 Irrawaddy Road #08-36
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre , Singapore 329563.

Mt Alvernia Hospital

Dr Soo-Wan HONG. (Estimate Age*: 56 yrs old)
820 Thomson Road, #02 21 Medical Centre A,
Mt Alvernia Hospital. Singapore 574623.

Allure Plastic Surgery
Dr Samuel Ho Yew Ming
435 Orchard Road #22-04 Penthouse Floor Wisma Atria Singapore 238877.
